Zalando Bot
Zalando Bot is an Add to cart and Auto Checkout Bot. This auto-buying bot can search for the item repeatedly on the collection page using keywords. Once the desired item is available it can add to the cart and checkout very fast. This auto-purchasing Zalando Bot can work on Chrome Browser so it can run on all Operating Systems. It can be run in multiple chrome profiles too to run for multiple items simultaneously.
“Buying a bot can increase your success chances only but no guarantee that you will successfully cart each time. If the bot gets outdated, then we can update it must. If you do not agree, then please do not buy our products or services.”
#AddToCartBot #AutoCheckoutBot #MABBots #AdvancedBots #AutoBuyingBot #AutoPurchasingBot #MostAdvancedBots #ZalandoBot #zalandobot
Supported sites
Zalando. pl
zalando. fi
All other Zalando sites may work but are not tested regularly, so if you purchase it and the site is not listed or not working, please contact us at to fix the issue.
Zalando Bot is an Add to cart and Auto Checkout Bot. This auto-buying bot can search for the item repeatedly on the collection page using keywords. Once the desired item is available it can add to the cart and checkout very fast. This auto-purchasing Zalando Bot can work on Chrome Browser so it can run on all Operating Systems. It can be run in multiple chrome profiles too to run for multiple items simultaneously.
“Buying a bot can increase your success chances only but no guarantee that you will successfully cart each time. If the bot gets outdated, then we can update it must. If you do not agree, then please do not buy our products or services.”
#AddToCartBot #AutoCheckoutBot #MABBots #AdvancedBots #AutoBuyingBot #AutoPurchasingBot #MostAdvancedBots #ZalandoBot #zalandobot
Supported sites
Zalando. pl
zalando. fi
All other Zalando sites may work but are not tested regularly, so if you purchase it and the site is not listed or not working, please contact us at to fix the issue.
Zalando Bot is an Add to cart and Auto Checkout Bot. This auto-buying bot can search for the item repeatedly on the collection page using keywords. Once the desired item is available it can add to the cart and checkout very fast. This auto-purchasing Zalando Bot can work on Chrome Browser so it can run on all Operating Systems. It can be run in multiple chrome profiles too to run for multiple items simultaneously.
“Buying a bot can increase your success chances only but no guarantee that you will successfully cart each time. If the bot gets outdated, then we can update it must. If you do not agree, then please do not buy our products or services.”
#AddToCartBot #AutoCheckoutBot #MABBots #AdvancedBots #AutoBuyingBot #AutoPurchasingBot #MostAdvancedBots #ZalandoBot #zalandobot
Supported sites
Zalando. pl
zalando. fi
All other Zalando sites may work but are not tested regularly, so if you purchase it and the site is not listed or not working, please contact us at to fix the issue.
Key Features
It can add to a cart and auto checkout very fast.
It can auto-refresh on the product page and product listing page until the item is available.
It can search for items by using keywords and colors,
It can auto checkout by using PayPal and a credit card.
You can set refresh time, Page URL, colors, keywords, any size, timer, etc.
It has a keyword search facility where you can put keywords for the items you want.
very frequent updates and adding many new sites and features to make it the best bot.
Unlimited use with 2 years of free updates and support.
Bot Installation and Setup Guide
Install the bot by the instruction given in the PDF file which we sent you by auto email after the purchase and click on the extension icon on the top right of the browser extension bar.
Login to the Zalando site before starting the Bot, your address and payment details must need to be saved in your web account before withdrawing the bot.
Enter/Select the site name, collection page or item page URL, refresh time, colors, size, and keywords.
Enter Billing Address details, Shipping Address(if needed), and Payment Information in Bot then Save the Information and Start the bot.
After the bot starts it will auto-refresh the collection page or the item page until the item is available. once the item is available it will open the item page and will add to the cart and auto checkout.
The bot will add to the cart and will do auto checkout if the auto-checkout option is selected in the bot.
The bot will wait for the captcha to appear, you have to solve it manually.
If you still face any more problems then feel free to contact us.
The latest version is: 0.6.6
Problems solved: All sites updates
How to install: Click here
How to update: Click here
How to make multiple chrome profiles for multiple items cart or multiple accounts open in one computer: Click here
If any problem occurs or the bot doesn’t work then don't hesitate to get in touch with us: Click Here
zalandoBot set up screenshot 1
ZalandoBot setup screenshot 2