Chrome Extension Bot Installation and Setup Guide
For chrome extension type bot installation please follow this Click Here
If you have any problem in installation then please Contact Us
1. Download the bot from this link, if its a chrome extension type bot then follow this procedure to install it, after install success, click on the extension icon on the chrome browser extension bar to expand it. (But if its a software bot then click on it to install it)
2. Enter the collection page or home page URL in the URL input field of the bot setting page.
3. Enter product keywords(must be uniquely identified to the item. multiple keywords must be separate by comma(,) ).
4. Enter colors(multiple colors must be separate by comma(,) . Enter color preference wise first to last in order of left to right)hj.
5. Enter/select size(multiple sizes must be separate by comma(,) . Enter size preference wise first to last in order of left to right).
6. Select auto-checkout to yes, then billing address field appears, then click on the "Billing Address" bar, so it expands.
7. Enter Billing Address, then check Shipping Address the same as billing, then select a payment method and put Payment Information in Bot, then Save the Information and Start the bot.
8. If you want to find the product from a direct link, then put that product page directly in the URL field.
9. The bot adds to the cart and does auto checkout if the auto-checkout option selected in the bot.
10. The bot wait if captcha appears in the middle, then you have to solve it manually, then click on the Next button, so the bot does rest.
12. For any queries, feel free to contact us. We are always available for customer support.
Thank You.
Software Bot Installation and Setup Guide
Instruction file attached with each bot so you can see them after download the respective bot.
Extension Bot Features:
Bot can auto refresh on collection page/ item page/ listing page until item available.
Bot have keyword search, color search for auto item page finding.
Can work on all country specific sites.
Can take multi sizes and add the items on size preferences wise,
Page refresh and checkout time setting.
Sizes for all type items.
Both shipping and Billing address can enter.
Can checkout using both credit card and paypal payment system.
Add to cart, Auto filling and complete checkout facility available.
Nice user friendly interface and Very quickly updating the bot if website changes.
Unlimited use with lifetime free updates and supports.
Shortcut keyboard command to quick start and stop the bot.
Software Bot Features:
Coming Soon
Extension Bot Screenshots:
Offspring Bot Setup Screenshot
DSM Bot setup demo
Extension bot billing and payment setup