Coming Soon...
The Most Advanced Bot team offers access to the best auto-checkout programs on the market. We currently only sell programs for personal use / resell purposes. We are in the making of setting up another part to our team. We plan to offer auto-checkout / add to cart (ATC) services soon. If you are confused here by what the difference is from our services and the bots well sell, This service is something where we will run you a task for the item you desire, either checking it out for you, or adding it to cart while using your information... We can handle up to 5,000 tasks / orders a release. This would be refundable if we could not succeed, but if we do have success with securing your item no refunds will be issued. So while doing this type of service you have to pay for the item retail price plus the service fee (if successful). Prices may vary by drop depending on hype, quantity and price.... If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at any time.